Tuesday, 13 March 2012

WEEK 9 - Power! Ooops.

Week 9 | March 13, 2012 | Weight: 277.8 | Loss of 2.3 lbs | Total Loss: 32.8 lbs

9 weeks in and I'm happy to post another great loss.  My weekly goal currently is to lose a minimum of 2 pounds and so far I have a fairly good track record.  I've been reading lots of other bloggers and see their hiccups of small gains and small losses followed by larger losses and this tells me that my ride is probably not going to keep going as smoothly as this so I have been getting myself ready for that dreaded weigh in where I gain a pound for whatever magical reason.

I finished putting the elliptical together last night and wouldn't you know it, I can't find the AC adapter for the display.  My wife found one last night and we tried it and it seemed to work but then this morning, while I was rowing, she decided to hop on it and about 15 minutes in, the screen went black and it won't come back on.  I'm not sure if we've blown it, or if it was just the wrong power pack and it's fried.  I'll put a meter on the power pack tonight after work and see if it's still outputting juice.  If it is, then I'm worried we've blown the screen.  If it's just the power pack, then I'll call up Icon and see if I can get them to tell me what size power pack the thing needs.  It's not written on the elliptical and naturally, I've lost the manual LOL.  It's a Proform Crosswalk 8.0.

The weather is starting to get better here and we've seen greater than 5 degrees celsius each day all week.  This has given us some opportunity to do family walks which we've been doing religiously for the past week now getting in at least 3 km each time.  I've also been trying to keep up on my walk during lunch at work when it's not overly busy.  The snow is melting quite fast and I can start walking in shoes rather than big old winter boots.

I'm hoping we can get the elliptical fixed as I was really looking forward to adding it to my regimen.

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