UPDATE JUN 2022: It's been a long time since I've looked at this blog. It's been an even longer time that I've been obese. Not only did I gain all my weight back from my loss in 2012, I've added another 50 pounds on top. That's right, I now weigh in at an even 360 pounds. I feel terrible, it's difficult to move around. Climbing the stairs in my house puts me out of breath and I can't stand up for too long before my back starts to hurt. I'm going to be 50 years old this year and I am at the end of my rope physically and emotionally.
It's time I really really try...
UPDATE JAN 2016: In 2012, I wrote the below. I lost over 60 pounds and fell off the wagon. I gained it all back and have been unhappy ever since. I know I can do this (I did before) and my first failure after losing a lot of weight taught me a lot of lessons that I am taking into my new journey. Now at 43 years old, I am starting all over from the beginning. With a new resolve and armed with knowledge I am prepared to make a life change.
As of January 2012, I am a 39 year old I.T. professional. I am a father of a loving 10 year old daughter and 8 year old son. I've been married for twelve and a half years to a very supportive wife who also happens to be working on her weight and bettering her lifestyle choices with respect to health and diet.
Up until my early 20's, I was an extremely thin but a bit on the tall side individual. My youth included farm work and other manual labour type jobs. After I began in the I.T. sector however, I quickly became a couch potato turning to fast food lunches and snacking. One home cooked meal a day which comprised of TV dinners and other packaged goods was the norm for several years.
As time went on, my weight spiraled out of control. I didn't even notice it in the beginning and eventually just came to accept it. It's only been in the past two years that I've become very unhappy with myself and the way I look and feel not to mention my overall health. I wouldn't even allow my wife to post pictures of me on her Facebook page. Sometime in 2010 I made the decision to lose weight and quit smoking. I tried a variety of things from diets to dietitians, cold turkey quit of smoking, the patch and other various aids. Eventually, in January of 2011, after numerous failures, I made the choice to tackle only one of my issues at a time - smoking. Once I was satisfied I got it under control, I'd start in on my weight loss.
One year later in January of 2012 I am happy to report that I am still smoke free and it is now time I take my weight seriously. I took a picture of myself (as unhappy as I have been with my pictures) and kept them to remind myself of what I'm trying to fix.
At 310.6 pounds and 6 feet tall I have never been that heavy in my life. It's time for a change, for me, for my family, for my life...