Well this has certainly been a very busy couple of days. I almost didn't update my blog with this weeks weigh in (though I did weigh in this morning on time). My wife's procedure went quite well yesterday and she is doing well however we've been very busy since.

The first reason is that we've been doing a lot of shopping around and have been eating out a bit. I've been doing my best to only order things that will keep me at my allowed calories but these things usually contain a lot of sodium so we'll see what happens. We did do something I thought I wouldn't be able to do for some time and that was to take a 2 km walk today. We dropped my wife's van off to get the brakes fixed and decided we would walk to one of the malls to get her hair done. I fired up the app called Pedometer +GPS on my iPhone and it clocked us in at around 2 km in 25 minutes. I'm surprised I managed to make it given I'm a fat guy that couldn't run to the end of the street without having a heart attack I'm sure. But there it is and I'm quite happy with it.
The next thing that is probably going to throw things off a bit is the fact that we picked up a new Withings bathroom scale. It's never really a good idea to change scales when losing weight like this as it can make things appear off however I just couldn't resist this scale. It's a WiFi scale that records your weight, BMI and Body Fat percentage and uploads it to the Withings site for tracking, trending and graphing AND it hooks into the loseit.com application as well. I still have to figure out how it all works but sometime this week I'll be doing my weigh ins with that.
I didn't get my treadmill as I had hoped mainly because the brake job on the wife's van came in at $900. Yikes! So we'll have to wait on that. I didn't mind so much as I've been enjoying the Rowing machine and am planning on finishing up the Elliptical assembly this week as well so I have plenty of equipment to workout on and will grab a treadmill next month instead.